Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Modernization effect on culture

Modernization is blamed as one of the reasons for the youth to forget their culture. Many parents in urban areas are not practicing their culture; as a result the youth are not exposed or interactive with their own culture. Parents have already forgotten their responsibilities; they should maintain and improve their culture by teaching it to their children despite the gush of other intruding cultures dominating them. Nowadays, parents are making their children a Westerner instead of making them a Nepali. Our culture is being pushed aside by new models from abroad spreading by satellite. The logic of profit have always dominated the human minds similarly to the youth here, they go to different developed countries for opportunities for they are highly paid there. The youth who have gone to different countries like America and Australia in search of opportunities come back as an American or an Australian completely, not a Nepali.The food reflects the tradition of our country. The young generation has already forgotten the traditional food like “gundruk”, “sinki”, etc. instead it is replaced by fast food, etc. Fast food has already dominated the world in food. T-shirts and jeans have already dominated the entire youth clothes market. National dress must also be given priority. Nepalese sweets are in the point of extinction because everybody prefers foreign sweets. The foreign movies have already dominated Nepali movies. Many youth doesn’t like the presentation and screening of the actors but we can work for the betterment.


  1. this is a really good piece of work!

  2. by reading this i found out things i ahd no idea about!

  3. I am proud to be a Swazi, and will continue to do all i can to preserve my culture.....email:daniels.civic@gmail.com

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
